The February session of How Do I Do That has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 23. The session will be held in the Marshall Simonds Media Center located on the second floor at MSMS. The session will be open from 2-4:30pm. Teachers are invited to bring their school or personal laptop computers with them.
The February and March sessions of How Do I Do That will focus on the Burlington Public Schools BLINK system and the X2 Aspen Student Information System. These two new tools will be a vital part of teacher communication, collaboration, and access to student information.
Teachers in each school will receive specific training for Aspen in the coming months. The How Do I Do That sessions in February and March will serve as additional resources for teachers learning about the new system.
The sessions will help teachers with the transition to full time daily use of BLINK and Aspen.
As always, teachers may also join the sessions with specific questions about the use of technology in the classroom.
Please email me with any questions:


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