Recently we welcomed some new editions to the district... Yep, you guessed it, IPADS!!!!! They will be rotated amongst teachers in the district to help us get a grip on just how powerful and useful they can be in education. Besides just looking cool, these new devices can take advantage of the thousands of apps that are available from the ITunes apps store. Ipads, just like iPod touches, allow users to carry their multimedia with them such as music and videos, but new to the Ipad is the bookstore. This feature allows the user to view free or purchased ebooks in either portrait or landscape view. Besides best sellers and novels, the future will bring IPad users the ability to purchase educational textbooks in the epub format. It is very possible that within a few years(or less), students would only need to carry 1 single device around school. No more backpacks,no more pencils, what about lockers??? Sorry, Im getting ahead of myself. For now we'll just continue with the evaluations and collect as many opinions as possible.